Diamond Polish

Diamond Polish Overview

Diamond polishing is a process that neatens and tidies abrasive edges raised during machining to improve the cosmetic look and feel of the plastic finish. It is usually the final process of the manufacturing and fabricating process for customers where it is essential to create a high-quality finish. It is used within the world of plastics in mainly in Point Of Sales (POS) for rotating stands, spinners and carousels to smooth edges. Diamond polishing plastics are used for displaying cosmetics in counter displays and for jewellery too.

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The macro-flattening and micro-smoothing process involves the product to be polished being loaded into the machine, with the feed then guiding the product over a rotating diamond tipped cutter. This cutter shaves off a small amount of the material from the edge of the plastic, smoothing the surface to create a neat edge.

It is one type of edge polishing with others that include flame polishing, buff polishing, and hand polishing.

Uses and Limitations

Diamond Polish Uses

Diamond polishing is used where the plastic needs a super smooth edge. Look at Point Of Sale when you’re next shopping. Around cosmetic counters, carousels and rotating stands. Chances are the plastic has been finished using the diamond polishing method.

Diamond Polish Limitations

There are limitations to consider when using diamond polishing. It is, due to the process, only suitable for straight edged shapes.